Joe McDonald

Position of Neutrality

Joe McDonald

  • Position of Neutrality

Position of Neutrality

Discover the transformative power of PON's approach to recovery. Explore topics like spirituality, the founders of AA, and overcoming addiction through consciousness.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation

Position of Neutrality: A Powerful Podcast Series on Achieving Sobriety and Inner Peace

Position of Neutrality is a powerful podcast series that explores the manner of living suggested by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for achieving sobriety and inner peace. Hosted by Joe McDonald, this podcast delves into key principles such as spirituality, fellowship in recovery, accessing power through the spirit, maintenance and discipline in recovery, understanding root causes of addiction, and much more.
One key aspect that sets PON apart is its approach to recovery. It focuses on achieving a position of neutrality towards alcohol rather than trying to fight it or control it. This unique perspective allows listeners to gain a deeper understanding not only about themselves but also others in recovery.
Listeners will find valuable insights from conversations with experts on topics such as abnormal reactions to chemicals and the importance of abstinence; navigating difficult conversations with loved ones; recovering from painful experiences; standing before one's Creator; working with a sponsor; understanding the meaning of spirituality in AA; experiencing deep spiritual growth through consciousness;
The episodes are filled with captivating personal stories that inspire listeners who are seeking help or support for their addictions. The guests share their experiences about how they found redemption through God's power combined with PON’s revolutionary approach.
One particular episode stands out - 'The Founders Of AA And Their Suggested Manner Of Living' - where listeners can learn about Bill W., Dr Bob Smith, Lois Wilson & Anne Smith- who were instrumental in founding Alcoholics Anonymous back in 1935-36.
Whether you're new to sobriety or have been sober for years, Position Of Neutrality has something meaningful for everyone. The podcast provides an avenue for people struggling with addiction who want help finding their way out from under its grasp.
In conclusion: Position Of Neutrality is an insightful podcast series that provides valuable information on achieving sobriety through powerful principles like spirituality and fellowship while providing hope for those battling addiction issues.