Boosting Affordable Housing: AHMA's $500 Million Fund for Non-Profits
For us, this million dollar fund is really about empowering non-profits to both acquire and retain social purpose rental units, therefore preserving long term affordability and ensuring that funding is used to support individuals and families across British Columbia.
Ever wondered how non-profits can make a real difference in the housing crisis? This episode of 'Voices of Resilience' shines a light on a game-changing initiative in British Columbia. The Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) has introduced a $500 million fund to help non-profit organizations buy existing housing units. This isn't just about buildings; it's about creating lasting, affordable homes for families and individuals who need them most.
The fund, managed by AHMA, the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA), and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC), aims to tackle the barriers smaller non-profits face in accessing federal investments. It's a big step towards ensuring long-term affordability and supporting communities in BC. AHMA's expertise and leadership in the not-for-profit sector are crucial here, especially as they push for federal recognition of reconciliation efforts for dispossessed groups. But it's not all smooth sailing.
The episode dives into the ongoing challenges these organizations face, like staffing shortages and infrastructure issues. Maintaining existing housing units is just as important as acquiring new ones to prevent the loss of affordable homes. If you're interested in how community-driven solutions can address housing affordability, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to hear more about how this significant fund could reshape the housing landscape in British Columbia and support those who need it most.