
Dry Dock of a Thousand Wrecks, The by Philip Ilott Roberts (1872 - 1938)


  • Ch 6. - Saved to Serve

Ch 6. - Saved to Serve

Thursday 1st January 1970

Carlton Park's inspiring journey from alcoholism to redemption through faith and community support. Listen to his story on 'The Dry Dock of a Thousand Wrecks'.
11 minutes

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Dry Dock of a Thousand Wrecks, The by Philip Ilott Roberts (1872 - 1938)
Sobriety Success Stories
Creative Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
Nutritional Pathways to Recovery
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Carlton Park's Journey: From Despair to Purpose

Carlton Park has, from the very commencement of his association with water street, given the finest sort of indications that he had been saved to serve.
Imagine hitting rock bottom, only to find a lifeline that pulls you back up. That's the essence of Carlton Park's story in this episode of 'The Dry Dock of a Thousand Wrecks'. Once a bright young man from a devout Christian family, Carlton spiraled into the dark abyss of alcoholism.
But his tale isn't just about the fall—it's about the remarkable climb back up, thanks to the unwavering support of the Ole Jerry McAuley Mission and his rekindled faith in Jesus Christ. This episode takes you through Carlton's harrowing moments, including a desperate suicide attempt, and shows how he found hope and a renewed sense of purpose.
You'll hear about the vital role that faith and service played in his recovery, transforming him from a broken individual into someone committed to helping others. It's a story that underscores the power of community and belief in overcoming life's toughest challenges. Tune in to witness Carlton Park's incredible journey of redemption and discover how even the darkest paths can lead to light.