
Psychology of Alcoholism, The by George Barton Cutten (1874 - 1962)


  • Chapter VII - Senses

Chapter VII - Senses

Thursday 1st January 1970

Discover how chronic alcoholism affects your senses and nervous system in this episode of 'The Psychology of Alcoholism' by Dr. George Barton Cutten.
46 minutes

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Psychology of Alcoholism, The by George Barton Cutten (1874 - 1962)
Navigating Alcohol Dependency
Understanding Addiction & Recovery
Body & Mind
Creative Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
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Sensing the Impact: Alcoholism’s Grip on Your Senses

The impairment of the various senses usually arises not so much from the organs of sensation as from the paralysis of the nerve apparatus.
Have you ever wondered how chronic alcoholism messes with your senses? In this episode of 'The Psychology of Alcoholism', Dr. George Barton Cutten takes a deep dive into the sensory havoc caused by long-term drinking. From blurred vision to the strange and unsettling world of hallucinations, Cutten breaks down how alcohol affects the nervous system and your body's ability to process sensory information.
You’ll learn about the tired and weakened eye muscles, the troubled retina, and how nerve paralysis can lead to eerie illusions. But it’s not all doom and gloom; Cutten also touches on the historical cures of his time, like religious conversion and hypnotism. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to understand the full scope of alcohol’s impact on the body, especially if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction.