
Psychology of Alcoholism, The by George Barton Cutten (1874 - 1962)


  • Chapter VIII - Morals part 1

Chapter VIII - Morals part 1

Thursday 1st January 1970

Explore how chronic alcoholism affects morals and mental health in Chapter VIII of 'The Psychology of Alcoholism'. Learn about causes, consequences, and potential cures.
43 minutes

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Psychology of Alcoholism, The by George Barton Cutten (1874 - 1962)
Navigating Alcohol Dependency
Understanding Addiction & Recovery
Body & Mind
Creative Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
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Chronic Alcoholism's Grip on Morality: Insights from Chapter VIII

All pathological bodily states have a tendency to lead, yes, force the person experiencing them away from the moral life.
Have you ever pondered how chronic alcoholism affects a person's moral compass? In Chapter VIII of 'The Psychology of Alcoholism', Dr. George Barton Cutten takes a deep dive into this very issue. He argues that all pathological bodily states, including those induced by chronic drinking, tend to pull individuals away from leading a moral life. According to Cutten, a healthy body is crucial for maintaining a sound mind, and emotional states influenced by alcohol can severely disrupt one's behavior.
He doesn't stop there; Cutten also examines the grim reality of how alcoholism can lead to amnesia, which in turn, erodes the incentive to stay sober. But that's not all—he explores the troubling connections between alcoholism and crime, suicide, and even sudden death. Cutten raises some tough questions about the responsibility of alcoholics for their actions and delves into potential cures like religious conversion and hypnotism.
He also touches on the impact of alcohol on fetal development, adding another layer to this complex issue. If you're looking for an in-depth analysis that challenges your understanding of alcohol addiction and its far-reaching consequences, this episode is a must-listen.