Revamp Your Self-Esteem with Dr. Judy: Practical Tips for Lasting Confidence
Self-esteem is not a trait, it is a skill that you can cultivate, and Dr. Judy shows you how in this informative episode.
Ever feel like your self-esteem could use a little boost? Dr. Judy Ho's latest episode on 'SuperCharged Life' is here to help you out. Self-esteem isn't just something you're born with; it's a skill you can develop, and Dr. Judy breaks down exactly how to do that. She starts by identifying the signs of healthy versus low self-esteem and even offers a simple quiz you can take during the episode to gauge where you stand. But that's just the beginning.
Dr. Judy dives into listener questions that many of us can relate to. Whether it's dealing with negative self-talk, feeling overshadowed by siblings, or wanting to raise kids with a strong sense of self-worth, she's got you covered. She also tackles how to build confidence in romantic relationships and communicate assertively without guilt. What makes this episode stand out are the actionable techniques Dr. Judy shares.
From playing 'devil's advocate' to practicing loving-kindness meditation, you'll walk away with tools you can start using immediately. And let's not forget her favorite acronym, V.A.M., which she explains in detail. If you're looking to supercharge your self-esteem at any age, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in and let Dr. Judy guide you toward a more confident you.