Is Addiction Really a Disease?
Episode Overview
Addiction is not a disease but a series of choices. Labelling addiction as a disease can be harmful. Cognitive behavioural education helps individuals understand and change their habits. Traditional rehab and 12-step programs may not be effective for everyone. Truthful, non-judgmental support is key to compassionate recovery.
You can be compassionate and tell people the truth, which I think is far more compassionate.
Is addiction truly a disease, or is there another way to understand it? This episode of The Freedom Model For Addictions podcast tackles the controversial topic head-on. Hosts Michelle Dunbar and Mark Sheeran challenge the common belief that addiction is a disease, arguing that this label can actually harm rather than help those struggling with addiction. They discuss how labelling addiction as a disease can lead to feelings of powerlessness and self-judgment, which are counterproductive to recovery.
Instead, they advocate for a more empowering approach that focuses on personal choice and cognitive behavioural education (CBE). Through CBE, individuals can learn to deconstruct their habits and beliefs, leading to a clearer understanding of their actions and the freedom to make different choices. Michelle and Mark also share insights into their coaching methodology, explaining how they help people move past addiction without relying on traditional 12-step programs or rehab.
This episode is packed with thought-provoking discussions and practical advice for anyone looking to understand addiction from a new perspective. If you're curious about alternative views on addiction and recovery, this episode is a must-listen. How do you feel about the idea that addiction isn't a disease? Tune in to find out more.