Corey Winfield

217 Recovery

Corey Winfield

  • January 2 - 20 Mikes

January 2 - 20 Mikes

Friday 3rd January 2020

Corey, Ryan, and Chris share their recovery journey, emphasizing the importance of community and support on the 217 Recovery Podcast.
46 minutes

About this podcast

217 Recovery
Corey Winfield
Recovery Reimagined
Financial Health in Recovery
Innovative Treatments & Recovery Paths
Creative Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
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The Power of Community: Corey, Ryan, and Chris on Overcoming Addiction

The camaraderie and being a part of something, being a part of a house like we're a little community in here we are, we're a community that lived on an island.
Ever wondered how a sense of community can transform lives in recovery? In this episode of the 217 Recovery Podcast, hosts Corey Winfield, Ryan Beckman, and Chris Gose share their remarkable journey from rehab to recovery. These three friends dive into their personal stories, shedding light on the pivotal role sober living houses have played in their sobriety.
They talk about the rules, camaraderie, and support that these homes provide, painting a vivid picture of how crucial such environments are for those in recovery. The trio also highlights the importance of camaraderie in their journey. They reflect on the strong bonds and friendships formed along the way, emphasizing how surrounding oneself with positive influences can be a game-changer. Their stories are filled with moments of laughter, struggle, and triumph, making for a heartfelt and engaging listen.
Family and friends also come into focus as Corey, Ryan, and Chris discuss rebuilding relationships and the vital role loved ones play in recovery. They share personal anecdotes about mending broken ties and offer practical advice for anyone facing similar challenges. Communication and honesty, they stress, are key to rebuilding trust and fostering supportive relationships. To wrap it up, they offer practical tips for staying sober.
From finding new hobbies to staying busy and taking life one day at a time, their strategies are both relatable and actionable. This episode is not just about overcoming addiction; it's about finding hope, building a supportive community, and navigating the ups and downs of recovery with resilience and humor. Whether you're in early recovery, supporting someone who is, or simply looking for inspiring stories, this episode offers a blend of insights and encouragement.