David Lewry

Voices In Recovery Podcast

David Lewry

  • Jim's Story

Jim's Story

Wednesday 1st January 2020

Hear Jim's story of addiction and recovery on 'Voices in Recovery', highlighting spirituality and support networks.
92 minutes

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Voices In Recovery Podcast
David Lewry
Recovery Reimagined
Creative Recovery Journeys
Sexual Empowerment & Identity
Empowering Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
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Jim's Road to Recovery: From Despair to Spiritual Strength

Sobriety is the best thing I've ever done and it's the best thing that I continue to do.
Ever wondered how childhood experiences can shape our adult lives, especially when it comes to addiction? Jim's story on 'Voices in Recovery' dives deep into this very question. Growing up, Jim faced the emotional turmoil of his parents' divorce and found himself feeling different and isolated. As he entered adolescence, alcohol became his go-to coping mechanism, a supposed rite of passage that quickly spiraled into a dominating force in his life.
Jim's journey took a dramatic turn after a major car accident while he was under the influence. This life-altering event served as his wake-up call. Struggling with traditional concepts of spirituality, Jim eventually found his own unique path, which became a cornerstone in his recovery. Making amends with those he had hurt and rebuilding relationships with loved ones were crucial steps in his healing process. This episode is not just about the struggles but also about the triumphs.
Jim's story highlights the importance of spiritual connections and support networks in overcoming addiction. It's a tale of hope, healing, and transformation that resonates deeply with anyone facing similar challenges. Whether you're on your own recovery journey or supporting someone who is, Jim's experience offers valuable insights and inspiration. Join David Lewry as he brings you Jim's candid and heartfelt narrative, shedding light on the power of resilience and the human spirit.
Tune in to hear how one man turned his life around and found strength in spirituality and community.