The Phoenix Project

The Phoenix Project: Stories of Sobriety and Recovery

The Phoenix Project

  • S1:E1 - Matt Bell

S1:E1 - Matt Bell

Sunday 5th January 2020

Hear Matt Bell's inspiring journey from addiction to sobriety on 'The Phoenix Project'. Discover key moments and support systems that made recovery possible.
38 minutes

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The Phoenix Project: Stories of Sobriety and Recovery
The Phoenix Project
Sobriety Success Stories
Empowering Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
Innovative Treatments & Recovery Paths
Creative Recovery Journeys
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Matt Bell: A Journey from Darkness to Light

There's nothing wrong with asking for help at all, I ask for help Every Single Day still I used to think that the longer I stay clean, the less I would need help.
Meet Matt Bell, a 32-year-old who has battled the demons of addiction and emerged victorious. In this episode of 'The Phoenix Project', Matt opens up about his tumultuous journey, which began in college with the false belief that drugs and alcohol would enhance his performance on the field. Things took a darker turn after an injury led to a prescription for Percocets, quickly spiraling into a full-blown addiction to pain pills.
Despite his initial denial, Matt's life was unravelling fast, and it wasn't until he reached rock bottom that he sought help. A pivotal moment in his recovery came when he met a counselor who would later become his sponsor, guiding him through the 12-step program. Another key turning point was the Dart program, where people publicly acknowledged their addictions, giving Matt the courage to be open about his struggles.
With the support of his community, prayer, meditation, and the 12-step program, Matt found a path to sobriety. His story is a testament to the power of honesty, community support, and spiritual growth in overcoming addiction. Tune in to hear Matt's inspiring tale and find out how you or a loved one can start the journey to recovery.