Bobbie Goldie

The Memoir

Bobbie Goldie

  • What In The Actual Lump?! Happy New Year

What In The Actual Lump?! Happy New Year

Wednesday 8th January 2020

Bobbie Goldie shares her journey of discovering a new lump after three years cancer-free, highlighting fear, resilience, and the importance of support.
30 minutes

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The Memoir
Bobbie Goldie
Sobriety Toolkit
Empowering Recovery Journeys
Healing from Sexual Trauma
Parenting & Children
Comedic Journeys
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Facing the Unknown: Bobbie Goldie's Unexpected New Year Challenge

I hope that you don't forget to love and to tell people how much you love them. We assume everybody knows and we forget to say it, and those words are so so strong.
Just when Bobbie Goldie thought she could breathe a sigh of relief after three years cancer-free, life threw her another curveball. On New Year's Day 2020, Bobbie discovered a lump under her arm, a moment that sent her spiraling back into the uncertainty and fear she thought she'd left behind. In this candid episode of 'The Memoir', Bobbie shares the raw emotions and mental toll of waiting for test results.
She doesn't sugarcoat the struggle but offers a genuine glimpse into the anxiety that accompanies such health scares. Bobbie talks about the importance of staying busy and trying to remain positive, even when it feels impossible. She also underscores the critical role of having a strong support system to lean on during these tough times. Her story is a testament to resilience and the human spirit's ability to endure even the most unexpected challenges.
If you're looking for a heartfelt narrative that balances vulnerability with hope, this episode is a must-listen.