When Eyeballs Make Noise: Understanding Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
As a surgeon, you're into instant gratification when patients wake up and say: oh my god, my life is better. That's very gratifying from my perspective.
Imagine hearing your own eyeballs move. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? Well, for those with Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS), it's a bizarre reality. This episode of 'All In The Mind' dives into this rare condition that leaves people hearing their blood flow, bones creak, and even their lungs breathe. Host Lynne Malcolm takes listeners on a journey into the operating room with Dr. Daniel Lee Cortes, a specialist surgeon who treats SCDS.
Through patient stories and expert insights, you'll learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for this little-known condition. Dr. Cortes shares his experiences and the profound impact surgery can have on improving patients' lives. If you're curious about the mysteries of the human body and mind, this episode is a must-listen.