Alcoholics Anonymous

AA Live

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • AA Live

AA Live

Join AA Live to discover inspiring stories from people who found sobriety through Alcoholics Anonymous. Learn about the importance of community, support and gratitude in the journey towards recovery. Tune in now to experience, strength and hope.
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AA Live: Inspiring Tales of Recovery and Sobriety

Are you or someone you love struggling with alcoholism? Do you feel like your drinking has become a problem? If so, then AA Live is the podcast series for you. Every four weeks, the AA Otago Intergroup presents this inspiring podcast series brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous.
AA Live provides listeners with a unique opportunity to hear real-life stories of recovery from people who have struggled with alcoholism themselves. These honest accounts offer insight into what it's like to live with addiction and how people can find their way out of it.
One important theme that runs throughout AA Live is the idea of community and support. Listeners will learn about how building connections with others can be an essential part of recovering from alcoholism. You will also hear about the importance of sharing experiences as a means of helping others who may be going through similar struggles.
Another key message conveyed by AA Live is that accepting powerlessness over alcohol is an essential step towards recovery. Listeners will learn how admitting one's vulnerability can be challenging but ultimately freeing.
Throughout its episodes, AA Live touches on many topics related to sobriety and recovery - ranging from spiritual principles behind Alcoholics Anonymous' 12-step program (such as Step Eight), challenges faced during lockdowns or holiday seasons without drinking, dangers posed by addiction etc.
The show offers valuable advice on overcoming obstacles such as navigating holiday parties soberly or managing stress while maintaining sobriety- all delivered in digestible ways through practical tips shared by guests on each episode.
Listeners will also gain insights into self-supporting own contributions which empowers individuals - even those living in remote areas -to access help whenever they need it most without feeling stigmatized or alone.
If you're looking for inspiration and motivation along your journey towards sobriety- look no further than AA Live! This podcast series offers hope not just for those struggling but for anyone seeking guidance in life after addiction.