About M.E.

About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery

About M.E.

  • About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery

About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery

Tune into 'About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery' for inspiring stories and valuable insights on living with chronic illnesses and mental health challenges.
Health & Wellness
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Financial Empowerment
Sexual Health & Wellbeing

About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery: Chronicles of Courage and Chronic Illness

Ever wondered what it's like to live with an invisible illness? 'About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery' offers a heartfelt look into the lives of those navigating chronic conditions, brain disorders, and predominantly Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). Hosted by Shayla, this podcast features inspiring guests who bravely share their personal journeys and the hurdles they face daily.
From mental health struggles and discrimination to the financial toll of chronic illness, each episode is a treasure trove of insights and coping strategies. Whether it's discussing student mental health, setting boundaries in relationships, or the power of social media in raising awareness, this series covers it all. One episode might have you reflecting on the impact of childhood trauma on adult life, while another might inspire you with stories of resilience and advocacy.
If you're looking for real stories that resonate and offer hope, 'About M.E. - A Spoonful of Recovery' is your go-to podcast.