Harry Derbitsky & Greg Suchy

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Harry Derbitsky & Greg Suchy

  • Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Discover the power of the three principles in addiction recovery with author Harry Derbitsky and Greg Suchy. Join group discussions with leading addiction experts on topics such as the role of spirituality in recovery, dealing with disappointment and doubt, and finding love amidst negativity.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles: Elevating Your Understanding of Addiction Recovery

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, then you need to listen to Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles. This podcast series features author Harry Derbitsky and Greg Suchy (3 Principles Recovery Coach) in group discussions with leading addiction experts that will elevate your understanding of addiction recovery.
What sets this podcast apart from others is that it focuses on what is on the minds of those who are addicted. You will gain insights into topics such as the role of spirituality in recovery, dealing with disappointment and doubt, finding love amidst negativity, going with the flow of life, and more.
In each episode, Harry Derbitsky and Greg Suchy discuss these topics using a unique approach called the Three Principles paradigm. This approach helps listeners understand how their thoughts impact their emotions and behaviors which ultimately lead to addiction or alcoholism. They also delve deeper into stories that showcase resilience in overcoming these challenges.
This podcast series includes edited sessions from their highly successful YouTube series which has over 700k after-show minutes viewed. Listen now to elevating your level of understanding!