Dr. Toby B. Holt


Dr. Toby B. Holt

  • Addiction


Find hope and inspiration in overcoming addiction through faith with the "Addiction" podcast series. Discover how biblical teachings provide insights on preparation, God's power, and more.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Health & Wellness
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

Overcoming Addiction Through Faith: Insights from the "Addiction" Podcast Series

The challenges of addiction can be overwhelming. Whether it's drugs, alcohol, or any other harmful habit, the impact of addiction can have a devastating effect on individuals and their loved ones. However, there is hope for those struggling with addiction through faith-based resources like the "Addiction" podcast series.
The "Addiction" podcast offers insightful sermons from Dr. Toby B. Holt that draw lessons from the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament to offer guidance and encouragement for overcoming addiction. The episodes explore topics such as preparation in meeting with God, God's power over struggles, accessibility to Him through Jesus Christ and many others.
In particular one episode highlights The Passover Night (The 10th Plague) that demonstrates ultimate deliverance from addiction while another draws parallels between Moses' journey to free his people from slavery in Egypt to our own personal journeys towards freedom from addictions.
The Book of Exodus itself offers stories of deliverance and redemption which are relatable to those who struggle with addiction today; a clear picture of Propitiatory Sacrifice was given by Passover meal looking forward to Jesus' sacrifice; significance of Law in Our Lives is still important today just like it was when Moses received them at Mount Sinai; Dominion Mandate & Blessings shows us how we were created for greatness but also bear responsibility for our actions; Bread From Heaven & Water From Rock show us how we must trust God even when things seem impossible.
Throughout each episode listeners will find insights into what it means to overcome addictions through biblical teachings that provide relevance even today; they learn about locations mentioned throughout Exodus which helps bring these ancient stories into focus making them relevant again so they too can experience peace knowing that there is a way out no matter what kind or level your own personal struggle may be.
If you're someone who wants help overcoming an addictive behavior whether alone or together with loved ones seeking support towards recovery then listen now as Dr Toby B Holt provides encouraging sermons tailored specifically towards helping you overcome whatever your unique situation may be.