


  • Atypical


Tune into 'Atypical' for a unique, humorous take on addiction recovery news with hosts Mary Crocker Cook and Gary Montrezza.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness

Atypical: Addiction Recovery News with a Twist of Humor

Ever wondered how addiction recovery news can be both informative and entertaining? 'Atypical' is here to show you. Hosted by the dynamic duo Mary Crocker Cook and Gary Montrezza, this podcast offers an offbeat take on the latest developments in the addiction recovery field. With a blend of wit, humor, and humility, they tackle everything from the dangers of black tar heroin to the role of pharmaceutical companies in the opioid crisis.
But it's not all doom and gloom; they also debunk myths, like the supposed link between mental health and mass shootings, and discuss quirky topics like Boozy Bears and Vodka Tampons. The hosts don't shy away from tough subjects, such as corporate greed in recovery fields or ethical challenges for addiction counselors. Instead, they approach these issues with a light-hearted yet deeply insightful perspective that keeps listeners engaged.
What sets 'Atypical' apart is its ability to humanize complex issues through personal anecdotes and reflections. Mary and Gary share their own 'humility moments' and explore customer service in treatment facilities, making the podcast relatable for anyone touched by substance abuse. Plus, they bring in expert guests to provide valuable insights and experiences. If you're tired of dry, jargon-filled news sources and want something that makes you think while also making you laugh, 'Atypical' is the podcast for you.
It's perfect for anyone interested in addiction recovery, whether you're on your own journey or supporting someone else.