John S. Blake

Black Fluid Poet

John S. Blake

  • Black Fluid Poet

Black Fluid Poet

Explore the world of Black Fluid Poet, where vulnerability meets reflection. Join the conversation on race, gender, addiction, sobriety, and more.
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Financial Empowerment
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation

Discover the Power of Vulnerability and Reflection with Black Fluid Poet

In a world that often prioritizes strength over vulnerability, it can be hard to find spaces to share our true selves. Enter Black Fluid Poet: a podcast series that offers an unfiltered look into the human experience through poetry, conversations and reflections. With topics ranging from race and gender to addiction and sobriety, each episode invites you into their world with open arms.
One of the most striking things about Black Fluid Poet is its authenticity. Host John S. Blake never shies away from difficult or uncomfortable topics; instead, he confronts them head-on with unwavering honesty. His voice will make you feel safe even when discussing challenging subjects like childhood trauma or societal expectations.
The podcast's episodes are thought-provoking explorations of life's biggest themes: love and loneliness; masculinity and femininity; aging; labor rights; capitalism - all tackled with sensitivity and compassion by Blake.
What sets this series apart is how it encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences in relation to these universal themes. By sharing their own story so openly BFP creates space for listeners to connect deeply with themselves as well as others around them.
Take for example 'System of The Dumb,' an episode exploring gun violence in America through discussions about white supremacy and capitalism - not exactly light listening but essential nonetheless. The way Blake approaches complex issues like these demonstrates his ability to talk about sensitive subjects without judgment or condescension.
Another standout episode is 'My father,' which delves into family dynamics within black communities during the 70s while also touching on LGBTQ+ issues too often overlooked by mainstream media platforms.
Perhaps what makes this series so special is its ability to balance depth with levity seamlessly- one moment discussing deep-seated fears around money then switching gears towards lighter fare like finding love later in life in 'What Happened To My Ass?!'
Ultimately Black Fluid Poet isn't just a podcast - it's an invitation into one man's journey towards self-discovery while also creating space for listeners' own growth too.