Brutally Sober

Brutally Sober

Brutally Sober

  • Brutally Sober

Brutally Sober

Tune into 'Brutally Sober' for raw conversations on sobriety and spirituality. Joey C. shares his candid experiences and practical advice on addiction recovery.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
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Brutally Sober: Raw Conversations on Sobriety and Spirituality

Curious about the unfiltered reality of sobriety? 'Brutally Sober' offers a no-holds-barred look at the journey to stay sober. Hosted by Joey C., this podcast takes you into the raw, unedited world of addiction recovery. Recorded in grocery store parking lots, Joey shares his candid thoughts on everything from anger management to the role of spirituality in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
Each episode is a mix of personal reflections and practical advice, making it a relatable listen for anyone grappling with alcohol addiction or supporting someone who is. Joey's discussions are as varied as they are honest, covering topics like daily meditations, the concept of God in recovery, and even the simple joys of frozen pizza. What sets 'Brutally Sober' apart is its genuine approach—there's no sugarcoating here, just real talk about the highs and lows of living sober.
Whether you're navigating your own sobriety journey or looking for heartfelt insights into addiction, this podcast offers a refreshing perspective that's both supportive and enlightening.