Financial Sobriety

Financial Sobriety

Financial Sobriety

  • Financial Sobriety

Financial Sobriety

Join Matthew Grishman and Jim Gebhardt on the journey to financial sobriety and true wealth. Learn how to improve your relationship with money, people, and yourself through this podcast series.
Financial Empowerment
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Family & Relationships

Discovering True Wealth: A Guide to Financial Sobriety

Do you struggle with managing your finances? Do you find yourself repeating destructive patterns in your relationships with money, people, or even yourself? If so, the Financial Sobriety podcast series may be just what you need.
Hosts Matthew Grishman and Jim Gebhardt have developed a curriculum that takes listeners through a step-by-step process of improving their relationship with money, people, and self. This is not just another finance podcast; it's about developing an intentional mindset towards these three complex relationships.
At its core, Financial Sobriety is about making amends with these three challenging relationships in life: our relationship with money, our relationship with people around us, and our relationship with ourselves. Matthew shares his own story of how he was able to overcome his out-of-control money addiction which cost him nearly everything - making massive changes that saved his life.
The show takes listeners on a journey through the steps that helped him recover from rock bottom to finding true wealth. It is designed as an informal tutorial for anyone looking to do the same in their lives.
One of the most significant aspects of this show is its conversational nature. It's like listening in on two friends chatting over coffee as they discuss various topics related to financial sobriety - from preparing for retirement by understanding The Three Phases of Retirement (discussed in Episode 7) to building trust within relationships (discussed in Episode 23).
In addition to discussing financial management strategies during turbulent economic swings (Episode 7), they also offer guidance on teaching children about finances (Episode 72) or breaking free from mediocrity during tough market times (Episode 57). For those who are new parents or have young children at home looking for ways to teach them healthy financial habits early-on should check out Episode 43 where Matthew talks about Clarity Compass.
One of the unique features of Financial Sobriety is how it looks beyond traditional finance topics such as bailouts or market trends but rather focuses more on personal growth themes like building self-awareness (Episode 12) or improving one's overall outlook towards life despite challenges (Episode 16).
Listeners will appreciate how each episode builds upon previous ones while still maintaining standalone value. For instance, they discuss tactics for battling inflation intentionally across two episodes: Inflation Part I- The Ultimate Silent Financial Disruptor(Episode79)and Tips Tricks And Tools To Battle Inflation Intentionally(Episode81). They also break down why persistence during resistance is essential when trying something new - discussed in Resistance Strikes Again Live Episode(episode title).
Overall,Fiancial Sobrietyis an excellent resource for those seeking guidance towards achieving true wealth using practical tools while addressing deeper issues surrounding one's beliefs around money,personal growth,and cultivating meaningful connections within their community.