Terrell M. Green

Finding My Faith, Forgiving My Fear

Terrell M. Green

  • Finding My Faith, Forgiving My Fear

Finding My Faith, Forgiving My Fear

Join Sangha in 'Finding My Faith, Forgiving My Fear' as he shares his journey through addiction recovery, exploring themes of faith, fear, and self-acceptance.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
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Family & Relationships

Finding My Faith, Forgiving My Fear: A Personal Journey Through Addiction and Anxiety

Curious about how faith can transform a life tangled in addiction and anxiety? 'Finding My Faith, Forgiving My Fear' is a heartfelt podcast hosted by Sangha, where he opens up about his 5-week treatment journey for alcoholism and general anxiety disorder. Each episode is a raw, honest reflection on his path to self-acceptance, self-love, and faith.
Sangha doesn't just talk about sobriety; he delves into the power of embracing our scars, the importance of living in the present moment, and the journey towards progress rather than perfection. This podcast is a blend of personal stories and practical insights, offering listeners a unique perspective on overcoming fear and finding strength in faith. If you're navigating your own recovery or supporting someone who is, Sangha's candid reflections provide both comfort and inspiration.