Adult & Teen ChallengeMidSouth

Freedom From Addiction

Adult & Teen ChallengeMidSouth

  • Freedom From Addiction

Freedom From Addiction

Join 'Freedom From Addiction' for expert advice and personal stories on overcoming substance dependence. Hosted by Adult & Teen Challenge MidSouth.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness
Financial Empowerment

Freedom From Addiction: Real Talk with Recovery Experts

Curious about how people break free from the chains of addiction? 'Freedom From Addiction' is a podcast that dives into the heart of recovery, offering a blend of expert advice and personal stories. Hosted by the knowledgeable team at Adult & Teen Challenge MidSouth, this series covers everything from addiction trends and challenges to the emotional rollercoaster of recovery. You'll hear from leading experts who share practical tips and innovative strategies for overcoming substance dependence.
Whether it's discussing the importance of community support, the role of faith, or the latest research in addiction treatment, each episode provides a wealth of information and inspiration. Perfect for those struggling with addiction, their loved ones, or anyone interested in the recovery journey, 'Freedom From Addiction' is a must-listen for valuable insights and heartfelt encouragement.