Friends In Recovery - Addiction Recovery Podcast


  • Friends In Recovery - Addiction Recovery Podcast

Friends In Recovery - Addiction Recovery Podcast

Join the Friends In Recovery community and explore innovative ways to fight back against addiction stigma. Learn about AA, Sponsor Relationships, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health & Addiction Recovery and many more.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Financial Empowerment
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Creativity & Innovation

Discover the Power of Addiction Recovery with Friends In Recovery Podcast

If you or someone you know is dealing with addiction and seeking help on the road to recovery, it can be an overwhelming process. That's where Friends In Recovery comes in. This podcast series provides a supportive community that helps individuals navigate their journey through various topics related to addiction recovery.
The Friends In Recovery - Addiction Recovery Podcast features hosts who have personal experience overcoming addiction themselves and are dedicated to helping others do the same. They offer insightful discussions that cover a wide range of topics related to recovery from alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling addictions, codependency issues and more.
One key aspect of this series is its focus on discussing specific steps in recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Listeners will learn about step 12 of AA which emphasizes carrying the message forward as well as other important traditions such as tradition 11 which focuses on attraction rather than promotion.
In addition to discussing traditional methods for overcoming addiction, this podcast series also explores innovative approaches like hypnotherapy which may benefit those struggling with substance use disorders. The power of positive thinking is another topic covered extensively by experts who share insights into how this mindset can be used for coping with anxiety and fear.
Friends in Recovery also tackles mental health-related challenges faced by individuals battling substance use disorders. Listeners will gain valuable knowledge about how mental health affects addictive behavior patterns while learning ways they can maintain their sobriety without relapse during holiday seasons or other difficult times throughout life.
Listeners are sure to find inspiration through stories shared by hosts along with guests from all walks of life who've experienced similar struggles around their addictions but have found hope through support groups and professional treatment programs alike. Some guests include Lt Anne Perriello Wellness Officer Pelham Police Department sharing her experiences working closely alongside individuals battling Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) every day while Kyle Houston recounts his story surviving addiction through redemption after spending time behind bars before writing Patchwork Junkie .
With so much content available today for people looking for information on substance abuse treatment options , it's hard not feel overwhelmed at times . But this podcast offers an accessible platform where listeners can find guidance from a team committed towards helping people overcome their addictions together . Whether you're seeking help yourself or want resources for a loved one , tune into Friends in Recovery - The Addiction Recovery Podcast today.