Ruby Dickulous & Leah Rea


Ruby Dickulous & Leah Rea



Join comedians Ruby Dickulous and Leah Rae on 'GAY FACE' as they discuss LGBTQ+ issues and their journeys to sobriety with humor and honesty.
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Creativity & Innovation
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Comedy & Culture

GAY FACE: Unfiltered Conversations on LGBTQ+ Life and Sobriety

Curious about the real struggles and triumphs within the LGBTQ+ community? 'GAY FACE' is the podcast you need to hear. Hosted by comedians Ruby Dickulous and Leah Rae, this live show dives into everything from healthcare disparities and addiction recovery to the complexities of relationships and mental health. Ruby and Leah don't shy away from tough topics, but they also know how to keep things light with their sharp wit and humor.
Their personal journeys to sobriety and self-acceptance are not just inspiring but also deeply relatable. What sets 'GAY FACE' apart is its live recording format, giving listeners a chance to join the conversation and even become a guest. Whether you're part of the LGBTQ+ community or just looking to understand it better, 'GAY FACE' offers a mix of heartfelt stories and laugh-out-loud moments that make it a must-listen.