Brandon Drake

Harm Reduction Radio- With Brandon Drake

Brandon Drake

  • Harm Reduction Radio- With Brandon Drake

Harm Reduction Radio- With Brandon Drake

Join Brandon Drake on 'Harm Reduction Radio' for honest discussions on addiction, recovery models, racial drug policies, and more. Learn and heal together.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Family & Relationships
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Financial Empowerment
Health & Wellness

Harm Reduction Radio: Honest Conversations on Addiction and Recovery

Curious about the many paths to addiction recovery and the debates that surround them? 'Harm Reduction Radio- With Brandon Drake' is a podcast that dares to tackle the topics others shy away from. Hosted by Brandon Drake, this show covers everything from abstinence-based models and medication-assisted treatments to harm reduction strategies and 12-step programs. But it doesn't stop there.
You'll also hear discussions on controversial issues like safe injection sites and racial drug policies, all with a focus on holistic healing and open dialogue. Brandon brings in experts from various fields to share their insights, making each episode a rich tapestry of perspectives. Whether it's a deep dive into the federal budget's impact on the opioid crisis or a heated debate on executing drug dealers, the podcast encourages listeners to think critically and compassionately about addiction and recovery.
One episode questions the effectiveness of punitive measures against drug dealers, advocating instead for trauma-informed approaches. Another scrutinizes Indiana's HB 1359 legislation, urging for more compassionate treatment of addiction and highlighting the importance of Good Samaritan laws. Brandon also discusses the alarming rates of child abuse deaths in Indiana, shedding light on how these issues intersect with substance abuse. 'Harm Reduction Radio' isn't just about presenting information; it's about fostering an honest and empathetic conversation.
The show aims to break down barriers and promote understanding, offering multiple pathways to recovery rather than a one-size-fits-all solution. If you're seeking a podcast that combines empathy with evidence-based discussions on addiction and recovery, this is the one for you.