James Sweasy

James Sweasy Live

James Sweasy

  • James Sweasy Live

James Sweasy Live

Tune into 'James Sweasy Live' for real conversations on addiction recovery, personal growth, and resilience. Hear inspiring stories and practical advice.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Financial Empowerment
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness

James Sweasy Live: Real Stories of Addiction and Recovery

Curious about the raw realities of addiction and the path to recovery? 'James Sweasy Live' is your go-to podcast for honest, heartfelt conversations about overcoming addiction and finding a new way forward. Hosted by James Sweasy, who draws from his own experiences as a recovered addict, this podcast is a treasure trove of wisdom, practical advice, and inspiring stories. Each episode tackles different facets of addiction and recovery, offering insights that resonate with anyone affected by these issues.
From exploring the link between low dopamine levels and addiction to sharing personal anecdotes about transformative moments, James keeps it real and relatable. Notable episodes include an interview with the enigmatic John McAfee, where discussions range from addiction to privacy and security, and a candid recounting of how one viral video changed James' life.
Whether you're on your own recovery journey, supporting a loved one, or simply seeking to understand addiction better, 'James Sweasy Live' provides a compassionate, no-nonsense perspective that can guide and inspire.