Transformation Talk Radio

Katherine Arati Maas

Transformation Talk Radio

  • Katherine Arati Maas

Katherine Arati Maas

Join Katherine Arati Maas on 'Coming Clean Radio' for honest conversations and practical advice on recovery, self-love, and living authentically.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

Coming Clean Radio: Real Talk for Women in Recovery

Ever wondered how honesty can transform your recovery journey? 'Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency' is here to show you. Hosted by Katherine Arati Maas, this podcast is a haven for women seeking to shed fear, shame, and guilt, and step into their true selves. Katherine’s own sobriety journey began in 2012, and she made a vow to never lie to herself again. Now, she invites you to join her in embracing transparency and authenticity.
Each episode is packed with heartfelt stories and practical advice. Whether it's about emotional management, setting boundaries, or asking for help, Katherine covers it all. You'll hear from inspiring guests like Caitlin Ball, who discusses intuitive eating and mindfulness, and Paul Crouse, who delves into the spiritual side of recovery. Natasha Koo shares her insights on self-love and feminine power, while Laura Silverman talks about the crucial link between mental health and substance abuse.
Katherine’s candid conversations make 'Coming Clean Radio' a must-listen for anyone in recovery. It's not just about quitting alcohol; it's about creating a fulfilling life beyond addiction. So if you're ready to live openly and honestly, tune in and discover the power of transparency.