Celia Anzalone Bowers

Love Waits for You

Celia Anzalone Bowers

  • Love Waits for You

Love Waits for You

Join Celia Anzalone Bowers on Love Waits for You as she shares her spiritual awakening journey, overcomes addiction and trauma, and inspires listeners to find healing through self-love. Discover the power of surrender, forgiveness, and manifestation in this podcast series.
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Love Waits for You: A Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

If you're seeking a journey of healing and self-discovery, look no further than Love Waits for You. Hosted by Celia Anzalone Bowers, this inspiring podcast series takes you on her personal journey towards spiritual awakening from pageantry to overcoming addiction, codependency, healing her inner child, the mother wound and trauma from SA that she had buried for 22 years.
Celia speaks directly from the heart about making peace with darkness while finding light. Her insights into self-care practices during the holiday season are particularly powerful. She addresses topics such as enabling toxic behavior and advocating for yourself while also exploring why it's important to model healthy habits for our children.
The episodes cover a range of topics including recognizing triggers as opportunities for healing; breaking mental health stigmas; identifying long-term effects of trauma; understanding how grief can be a portal to healing all you've lost; aligning thoughts with hope in the body; recognizing destructive behaviors that hold us back – just to mention a few.
One thing that sets Love Waits For You apart is its emphasis on forgiveness. Celia shares how forgiving herself was an integral part of her own healing process. She encourages listeners to do the same so they can move forward with love instead of being held back by resentment or anger.
In each episode, Celia provides valuable insights into how we can heal our inner child through surrendering ourselves fully in divine grace while discovering our true worthiness through reconnecting with our hearts' desires.
Love Waits For You is perfect if you are looking to learn more about how your vibrational frequency affects your life or if you want inspiration on manifesting what truly matters most in your life. The teachings about following one's intuition toward happiness are incredibly empowering.
Overall Love Waits For You is an uplifting podcast series that will inspire anyone who has ever struggled with issues related to addiction or co-dependency – which is likely most people at some point in their lives! Through stories about personal growth journeys towards self-love and worthiness,Celia offers hope that everyone can find their way out of darkness into light.