Julie Sanford

Married to Addiction

Julie Sanford

  • Married to Addiction

Married to Addiction

Married to Addiction is a faith-based podcast that offers support and guidance for wives of alcoholics. Discover tools, tips and strength to navigate your husband's addiction while staying true to yourself.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness

Married to Addiction: A Faith-Based Podcast for Wives of Alcoholics

Are you married to an alcoholic? Do you feel lost or overwhelmed by the challenges that come with it? If so, Married to Addiction might just be the podcast you need. This faith-based series offers a unique perspective on how wives of alcoholics can navigate their husbands' addiction without losing themselves in the process.
Throughout each episode, host Julie Sanford shares her own experiences and provides practical tips for managing life as the wife of an alcoholic. With topics ranging from self-care and developing relationships outside the home, to navigating blind spots and addressing addiction individually, this series covers all aspects of living with an alcoholic spouse.
One standout feature of Married to Addiction is its focus on developing a comprehensive recovery plan. Sanford stresses that seeking support is key in overcoming feelings of helplessness or hopelessness when dealing with addiction. Listeners will learn about connecting with safe people and activities outside their homes as well as building stronger relationships with God through nourishing their souls.
The show also addresses difficult topics such as sexual relationships while married to an addict, avoiding codependency, balancing love and self-protection, going beyond telling someone they have a problem but showing them how much they are worth in Christ’s eyes among others.
Sanford's approach centers around taking care of oneself first through practical steps like protecting one's sleep and practicing self-care before being able take care others which can lead into codependency issues if not properly addressed.
What sets Married To Addiction apart from other podcasts about alcoholism is its faith-based approach; listeners will hear perspectives grounded in Christian beliefs that offer valuable insights into navigating difficult situations while strengthening one's relationship with God at the same time. Each episode brings forth new ideas on how listeners can grow through challenges by renewing themselves mentally, emotionally , physically & spiritually
In conclusion , Married To Addiction is a supportive community where wives feel safe sharing their stories & struggles .If you’re looking for faith-based insights on how best support your loved ones who are struggling with alcoholism then give Married To Addition podcast a try!