Shaun O.

Mental Theorycrafting

Shaun O.

  • Mental Theorycrafting

Mental Theorycrafting

Tune into 'Mental Theorycrafting' for raw stories on trauma, abuse, codependency, and addiction recovery from Shaun O.'s personal experiences.
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery

Mental Theorycrafting: Stories of Trauma, Healing, and Hope

Curious about how someone navigates the complex world of trauma and recovery? 'Mental Theorycrafting' is a deeply personal podcast series by Shaun O., who shares his journey as a father living with CPTSD from narcissistic abuse. This series dives into heavy yet crucial topics like trauma, abuse, codependency, and addiction recovery. Shaun is not a psychologist or a scientist; he's just a regular person sharing his story in hopes of helping others facing similar battles.
Each episode is a raw and honest look into Shaun's life, filled with personal reflections and heartfelt narratives. Whether he's discussing the power of sound in emotional healing or unpacking the toxic dynamics of celebrity culture, Shaun offers a unique perspective that resonates deeply. Trigger warning: The content includes discussions on trauma, addiction, abuse, suicide, and other mental health disorders.
If you're seeking an authentic conversation about mental health, or looking for insights into codependency and addiction recovery, 'Mental Theorycrafting' might just be the podcast for you.