Michael Arnold

Monday State of Mind

Michael Arnold

  • Monday State of Mind

Monday State of Mind

Tune into 'Monday State of Mind' with Michael Maassel for insights on personal growth, mental health, and transforming your state of mind.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

Monday State of Mind: Elevate Your Life with Michael Maassel

Curious about how to shift your mindset and improve your mental health? 'Monday State of Mind' is here to guide you. Hosted by Michael Maassel, the dynamic Director of Alumni and Recovery Support Services at The Harmony Foundation, this podcast is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to enhance their life.
Inspired by his own journey to sobriety and wellness, Michael shares practical advice and thought-provoking questions that can be applied to everyday life, whether you're in recovery or not. This isn't just about addiction—it's about embracing personal growth, transparency, and the power of a positive state of mind. Each episode dives into topics like setting healthy boundaries, balancing family life, and fostering emotional intelligence. Michael's engaging style and real-life anecdotes make complex ideas accessible and relatable.
You'll hear from a variety of guests who share their unique insights on overcoming challenges and celebrating personal achievements. From redefining identity to using the Serenity Prayer as a daily tool, 'Monday State of Mind' offers a fresh perspective on living a fulfilling life. So, if you're ready to change your state of mind and elevate your life, this podcast is your perfect companion.