Prajinta Pesqueda

N.A.R.C. Troopers: 
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators

Prajinta Pesqueda

  • N.A.R.C. Troopers: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators

N.A.R.C. Troopers: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators

Listen to N.A.R.C. Troopers, the podcast series that provides information and insights on healing from abusive relationships with narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, and other cluster B disordered individuals.
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Family & Relationships
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery

N.A.R.C. Troopers: Your Guide to Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

If you have ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath, you know how difficult it can be to recover from the emotional abuse inflicted upon you. That's why N.A.R.C. Troopers was created - as your guide to help you navigate the murky waters of narcissistic abuse recovery.
This podcast series is dedicated to providing carefully researched material about cluster B personality disorders and their impact on relationships. In each episode of N.A.R.C. Troopers: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators, experts in the field of mental health collaborate with victim-survivors and provide insights into healing journeys following traumatic experiences.
The topics discussed on this podcast are carefully selected based on research and collaboration with mental health professionals who specialize in helping survivors heal after experiencing abusive relationships caused by narcissists or other cluster B disordered individuals.
Listeners will learn about overcoming addiction, identifying covert narcissism dangers unique among other Cluster B Disorders such as borderline or histrionic personality disorder; also discussed are impacts of leaving an abusive relationship behind including trauma-based issues that arise from these types of situations.
The importance of alone time in recovery is emphasized as well as making informed decisions about your journey towards healing following a traumatic experience caused by being in a relationship with someone suffering from one or more Cluster B Personality Disorders such as those mentioned before.
In addition to these important topics covered throughout several episodes (all available now), there are discussions around hobbies that can aid in recovery which may help an individual reclaim their life after recovering mentallyphysically; shared fantasies involving abuse victims who often find themselves struggling deeply within the aftermaths following an emotionally destructive relationship all while learning how hallucinogens can sometimes magnify delusional thinking for victims having suffered through this type of trauma due primarily but not exclusively because they were paired up against someone suffering from one form or another Cluster B Personality Disorder(s).
With so much misinformation surrounding this topic it's important listeners have access to reliable information provided by experts and victim-survivors themselves; thusly N.A.R.C. Troopers comes highly recommended for anyone looking for guidance on recovering from Narcissistic Abuse.