Origins Behavioral HealthCare

Origins: Something More

Origins Behavioral HealthCare

  • Origins: Something More

Origins: Something More

Tune into 'Origins: Something More' for deeper insights into health, freedom, and peace from experts and inspiring individuals living with intention.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation

Origins: Something More – Beyond Health and Freedom

Ever wondered if health is more than just not being sick? Or if freedom goes beyond not being locked up? 'Origins: Something More' dives into these questions and more. Hosted by John Diben and Meghan Brooks, this podcast explores the deeper meanings of health, freedom, and peace. Covering topics like physical and emotional health, addiction, spirituality, and recovery, each episode brings together experts from psychology, medicine, and spirituality alongside everyday folks living with intention.
Expect heartfelt stories, practical advice, and even a song or two to lighten the mood. Whether you're battling addiction, dealing with mental health issues, or just seeking a more meaningful life, 'Origins: Something More' offers insights and inspiration to help you on your journey.