Nevada's Recovery and Prevention

Pack N Recovery

Nevada's Recovery and Prevention

  • Pack N Recovery

Pack N Recovery

Tune into 'Pack N Recovery' for practical advice, resources, and inspiring stories to support your journey towards sobriety.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness
Financial Empowerment

Pack N Recovery: Your Guide to Thriving in Sobriety

Ever wondered how students manage to stay sober while navigating college life? 'Pack N Recovery' is a podcast crafted by those who have been through it, specifically for those on the same journey. Created by Nevada’s Recovery and Prevention (NRAP) at the University of Nevada, Reno, this series aims to help students not just survive but thrive in their recovery.
Each episode dives into a range of topics from the opioid epidemic to personal stories of sobriety, offering valuable insights and practical advice. With expert guests and heartfelt discussions, 'Pack N Recovery' provides a supportive community where listeners can find resources, tips, and success stories. Whether it's learning about the role of naloxone in reversing overdoses or discovering the benefits of meditation through Recovery Dharma, this podcast covers it all.
Perfect for anyone looking to sustain their recovery while handling the challenges of daily life, 'Pack N Recovery' is your go-to source for inspiration and support.