PCCSU's Posters and Podcasts


  • PCCSU's Posters and Podcasts

PCCSU's Posters and Podcasts

Join PCCSU for an educational experience in their podcast series where Eastern North Carolina Community members share insights on recovery, treatment, substances, education and more. Learn about behavioral health court, food insecurity and the value of having an attorney. Listen to PCCSU's Posters and Podcasts now!
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Financial Empowerment
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation

Discover PCCSU's Posters and Podcasts: An Insightful Series on Substance Use, Recovery, and Advocacy

Looking for a compelling podcast series that tackles substance use issues? Look no further than PCCSU's Posters and Podcasts! This series is hosted by Jacob Harding, the President of Pitt County Coalition on Substance Use (PCCSU), together with Lillie Malpass - the Executive Director. Through this podcast platform, they aim to educate listeners about addiction recovery practices in Eastern North Carolina.
Each episode features guests who share their expertise about different aspects of substance use disorders such as behavioral health court programs, food insecurity among affected communities or expungement laws in North Carolina. Some episodes also tackle self-esteem issues experienced by those recovering from addiction as well as how parental rules can help prevent youth from engaging in harmful behaviors.
One episode even highlights International Overdose Awareness Day which brings attention to overdose prevention efforts. The Art Neighborhood was also discussed - a space that uses art to explore themes related to identity formation within communities coping with addiction.
Listeners will appreciate how each episode unfolds like an intimate conversation between hosts Jacob Harding and Lillie Malpass along with their guest speakers sharing valuable insights into substance use prevention strategies throughout Eastern North Carolina.
In addition to discussing critical topics related directly or indirectly with substance abuse disorder; several episodes focus on collaboration between law enforcement officials & community organizations towards creating safer environments for everyone involved while also addressing mental wellness concerns present throughout society today.
Overall,PCCSU's Posters &Podcasts offer listeners a wealth of information about addiction recovery practices that can be helpful not only for those struggling but for anyone who wants to learn more about this important issue.