Tom Conrad: Addiction Recovery Podcaster

Real Recovery Talk

Tom Conrad: Addiction Recovery Podcaster

  • Real Recovery Talk

Real Recovery Talk

Discover Real Recovery Talk, a podcast series that provides inspiration and hope for those battling alcoholism or drug addiction. Hosted by Tom Conrad, a recovering addict himself, this podcast shares insights on how to start living a sober and free lifestyle today!
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Family & Relationships
Health & Wellness

Real Recovery Talk: A Podcast Series for Sobriety and Hope

If you or someone you know is battling addiction, then Real Recovery Talk is the perfect resource for inspiration and hope. This podcast series is hosted by Tom Conrad, who is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict himself. Through his personal experiences of recovery along with guest interviews with experts in the field of addiction treatment, this podcast offers listeners actionable steps to start living sober today.
Real Recovery Talk covers various topics related to addiction recovery such as overcoming gym addictions or marijuana addictions, gaining control of life through sobriety, preventing addiction in children, romantic relationships in recovery, etc. The discussions are insightful yet relatable as guests share their stories of hardship and triumph over their battle with addiction.
One of the unique aspects of Real Recovery Talk is its focus on community support in addiction recovery. The host emphasizes the importance of seeking help from professionals when it comes to choosing the right treatment center for your loved one's specific needs. Moreover, there are episodes dedicated to discussing LGBTQ+ individuals' unique challenges when seeking sobriety.
Listeners will also learn about various tools that can be used to rebuild self-esteem while combating addictive behavior patterns like mindfulness practices or self-reflection techniques.
Tom Conrad creates an atmosphere where listeners feel comfortable discussing taboo subjects like smoking weed during recovery without judgmental attitudes present towards them. Instead he brings up important debates around smoking weed in recovery and its impact on mental health alongside real-life experiences from recovering addicts who have gone through similar situations themselves.
The show's meta-description speaks volumes about what listeners can expect from every episode - inspiration and hope that there's always light at the end of every tunnel regardless if you're struggling with drug abuse or alcoholism issues yourself! Tune into Real Recovery Talk now!