Billy and Jason

Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast

Billy and Jason

  • Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast

Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast

Join Billy and Jason on 'Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast' for candid talks on addiction recovery, spiritual living, mental health, and the 12-step program.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Health & Wellness
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Financial Empowerment

Recovery (Sort Of): A Fresh Take on Mental Health and Addiction

Ever wondered how spiritual living intertwines with addiction recovery? 'Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast' is your go-to series for an unvarnished look at these crucial topics. Hosted by Billy and Jason, this podcast dives into the heart of 12-step recovery, mental health, and the everyday struggles of living with addiction. With a focus on spiritual principles like commitment, trust, and forgiveness, each episode offers practical advice and personal stories that resonate deeply.
Billy and Jason don’t shy away from controversial subjects like Suboxone treatment or the stigma around harm reduction methods. Instead, they encourage listeners to question preconceptions and explore different beliefs without judgment. Whether you're grappling with addiction yourself, supporting a loved one, or simply curious about spiritual living within a 12-step framework, this podcast provides a wealth of insights and heartfelt discussions.
Tune in to hear about the importance of service contribution, the impact of anonymity versus self-disclosure, and much more. 'Recovery (Sort Of)' is not just a podcast; it's a supportive community ready to help you navigate the complexities of addiction and mental health.