Chad Davis

Redemption 3:16 .

Chad Davis

  • Redemption 3:16 .

Redemption 3:16 .

Join 'Redemption 3:16' for inspiring stories of addiction recovery through faith. Hosted by Chad Davis, this podcast offers hope and guidance.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Family & Relationships
Creativity & Innovation
Health & Wellness

Faith and Sobriety: Redemption 3:16's Inspiring Stories

What happens when faith and sobriety collide? 'Redemption 3:16' dives into the powerful journeys of those who have faced addiction and found hope through their relationship with God. Hosted by Chad Davis, this podcast is a heartfelt collection of stories from individuals who have battled their demons and emerged stronger, anchored by faith. Each episode brings you closer to the raw, emotional experiences of those who have walked the tough road to recovery.
From tales of overcoming addiction and crime to finding solace in spirituality, 'Redemption 3:16' offers a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with similar challenges. The show doesn't shy away from the hard truths but instead embraces them, providing listeners with a genuine look at the highs and lows of recovery.
You'll hear from guests like Greg Metzger, who highlights the role of community and grace in his journey, and Jessica Babin, who found her identity in Christ after years of seeking validation through relationships. Whether it's discussing the impact of generational trauma or exploring the importance of accountability, each story is a testament to the transformative power of faith. If you're searching for inspiration and guidance on your path to healing, 'Redemption 3:16' is your go-to podcast.