Chelsea DeFina

She Rises From Her Ashes

Chelsea DeFina

  • She Rises From Her Ashes

She Rises From Her Ashes

Join the She Rises From Her Ashes podcast to learn how to use your pain to unleash your power and overcome obstacles. Topics include sobriety, self-care, food addiction, and more.
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Financial Empowerment
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery

Unleash Your Power: Discovering the She Rises From Her Ashes Podcast

Are you looking for a podcast that can help you rise above life's challenges? Look no further than She Rises From Her Ashes! Hosted by Chelsea Defina, this podcast is all about using your pain to unleash your power and become the best version of yourself.
Listeners will find a wide range of topics discussed on this podcast series. The show covers everything from sobriety and self-love to health routines and managing mood with gratitude. If you struggle with food addiction or problem drinking, you'll find episodes dedicated specifically to these topics as well.
One of the most inspiring aspects of She Rises From Her Ashes is its focus on community support. Listeners can join an 8-week accountability group for support in overcoming their own addictions or challenges.
The show features guest speakers who share their personal journeys towards sobriety or overcoming other obstacles in their lives. Moira Clark shares her story of finding sobriety through fitness and running in one episode, while Jerilyn Tolla talks about using pain as fuel for growth in another.
Chelsea Defina also shares her own experiences throughout the series, including overcoming illness and anxiety through self-care practices like meditation and exercise. In one episode titled 'Stop Playing the Victim,' she offers listeners seven tools for shifting from victim mentality to victorious living.
Whether you're struggling with addiction or simply seeking inspiration for personal growth, She Rises From Her Ashes has something valuable to offer everyone. Join Chelsea Defina on this powerful journey towards unleashing your power!