Independence Blue Cross Foundation

Someone You Know: Facing the Opioid Crisis Together

Independence Blue Cross Foundation

  • Someone You Know: Facing the Opioid Crisis Together

Someone You Know: Facing the Opioid Crisis Together

Listen to 'Someone You Know' for heartfelt stories of resilience and recovery from opioid addiction, aiming to reduce stigma and inspire hope.
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Creativity & Innovation

Someone You Know: Stories of Resilience and Recovery from Opioid Addiction

Curious about the real-life struggles and triumphs in the fight against opioid addiction? 'Someone You Know: Facing the Opioid Crisis Together' offers a heartfelt look into the lives touched by this crisis. Hosted by Heather Major, Manager of Programs for the Independence Blue Cross Foundation, this podcast tackles the stigma surrounding opioid misuse and showcases stories of hope and recovery.
Each episode brings you closer to understanding the human side of addiction, featuring guests who share their personal journeys and the impact of supportive communities. From digital health tools to inclusive recovery programs, you'll hear about innovative approaches that are making a difference. Whether you're dealing with addiction yourself, supporting a loved one, or simply want to learn more, 'Someone You Know' provides a compassionate and enlightening perspective on one of today's most pressing public health issues.