The Couch Live

The Couch Live's Podcast

The Couch Live

  • The Couch Live's Podcast

The Couch Live's Podcast

Join 'The Couch Live's Podcast' for real talk on addiction and recovery with hosts Lui Delgado and Trinity Phillips. Break the stigma and find your path to healing.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation

The Couch Live's Podcast: Real Talk on Addiction and Recovery

Curious about what it really takes to tackle addiction and find your way to recovery? 'The Couch Live's Podcast' offers an unfiltered look into these complex issues. Hosted by The Street Certified Dope Doctor Lui Delgado and The Dharma Guy Trinity Phillips, this show is part of The Dope N' Dharma Show and The Problem Solving Network
The hosts bring their unique perspectives and a wealth of experience to every episode, creating a space where listeners can explore tough topics without judgment. Whether you're grappling with substance use, supporting a loved one, or just looking to understand more about addiction, 'The Couch Live's Podcast' has something for you. Each episode dives into various aspects of addiction and recovery, from the role of belief in personal growth to the dangers of using substances to cope with disappointment.
With candid discussions and real-life stories, the hosts break down the stigma surrounding these issues and encourage open dialogue. One of the standout features of this podcast is its relatability. You'll find yourself nodding along as the hosts share their own journeys and those of their guests. The show doesn't shy away from difficult conversations, whether it's about the impact of fame on addiction or the importance of brutal honesty in overcoming challenges.
It's a refreshing take on recovery that balances humor with compassion. Listeners will also appreciate the show's focus on practical advice and actionable insights. From exploring the philosophy of living one day at a time to understanding the power of positive choices, 'The Couch Live's Podcast' offers valuable guidance for anyone on their sobriety journey. Plus, with live shows every Friday from 12-1pm ET on, there's always fresh content to keep you engaged.
If you're seeking a judgment-free zone where tough subjects are tackled with both humor and empathy, 'The Couch Live's Podcast' is worth a listen. Tune in to discover multiple pathways to healing and gain a deeper understanding of addiction and recovery.