Bailey Smith

The Never Give Up Show!!

Bailey Smith

  • The Never Give Up Show!!

The Never Give Up Show!!

Discover The Never Give Up Show, a podcast series dedicated to empowering survivors of domestic violence and family court injustice. Join guests as they share their stories of hope, resilience, and healing in the face of adversity.
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

The Never Give Up Show: Empowering Survivors of Domestic Violence and Family Court Injustice

If you're looking for inspiration from survivors who have experienced it all - domestic violence, legal kidnapping, trauma, abuse - then look no further than The Never Give Up Show! This podcast series is an inspiring collection of interviews that offers hope and empowerment to anyone facing adversity.
At the heart of this series is the message that no matter how difficult life can get, there is always a way forward. You will hear stories from people who have been through it all - abuse survivors who overcame trauma to become advocates for change; parents fighting against broken judicial systems to protect their children; victims finding strength in community support; experts providing insights on high conflict divorce and parental alienation.
The show's host Bailey Smith has assembled a remarkable lineup of guests with unique experiences that are sure to resonate with listeners. From Nicole Moehring's journey from sexual assault survivor to advocate for children with disabilities; James Russell's mission to expose family court corruption through his upcoming film project; Jennifer Adam's fight against a broken judicial system after experiencing domestic violence; Mary's story surviving addiction and legal kidnapping in Florida; Laura's nightmare with CPS (Child Protective Services); Barbara Drtina navigating through high conflict divorce while raising her daughters as a single mom; Tanisha Bankston overcoming childhood abuse by focusing on mental health support and education initiatives;
You will also hear about Elaine Mickman's story fighting against narcissistic father syndrome in family court cases or Melissa Toon sharing her experience surviving post-separation abuse. If you're interested in learning about false allegations or getting insights into how forensic trials work during child custody disputes then listen as Dean Tong shares his expertise on these topics.
Every guest has something important to say about coping strategies when faced with adversity. You'll learn practical tips like co-parenting boundaries and strategies or recognizing signs of parental alienation before things escalate out-of-control. Additionally, the show sheds light on nationwide issues like the denial of justice for domestic violence survivors within family courts or constant cover-ups by CPS (Child Protective Services) over sexual/physical abuses.
Ultimately what makes this podcast so special is its focus on positivity amidst trying times. Whether it be Sheri Kurdakul speaking about helping victims seek legal justice after experiencing discrimination/harassment/abuse at work or Tracey Maxfield discussing warning signs related teen dating/violence prevention programs there are always messages about resilience being shared throughout each episode!
Overall if you want some hope during tough times tune into The Never Give Up Show! It’s not just another podcast but an empowering community where listeners can find inspiration from those who've overcome unimaginable obstacles.