David Adamson

The Recovering Porn Addict

David Adamson

  • The Recovering Porn Addict

The Recovering Porn Addict

Join David Adamson on 'The Recovering Porn Addict' podcast for heartfelt guidance on overcoming pornography addiction and finding lasting recovery.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness

Finding Freedom: The Recovering Porn Addict Podcast

Curious about how someone can break free from the grip of pornography addiction? 'The Recovering Porn Addict' offers a raw and personal look into one man's journey to lasting recovery. Hosted by David Adamson, this podcast is a heartfelt exploration of the emotional turmoil and eventual triumph over addiction. David, who has battled this issue since childhood, shares his deeply personal experiences and the lessons he's learned along the way.
Each episode is packed with practical advice and emotional support, making it a valuable resource for anyone struggling with similar challenges. From understanding the importance of setting boundaries to recognizing substitute addictions, David's insights are both relatable and actionable. He also emphasizes the role of group meetings and a strong support network in the recovery process. If you're looking for genuine, empathetic guidance on overcoming pornography addiction, this podcast is a must-listen.