Del Bacon

The Recovery Atheist

Del Bacon

  • The Recovery Atheist

The Recovery Atheist

Discover 'The Recovery Atheist' podcast for an atheist's take on addiction recovery, mental health, and everyday issues without relying on a higher power.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Financial Empowerment
Health & Wellness

The Recovery Atheist: Sobriety Without Spirituality

Curious about how to navigate recovery without leaning on spirituality? 'The Recovery Atheist' is here to show you that it's possible. Hosted by Del Bacon, this podcast breaks the mold by exploring addiction recovery from an atheist's perspective. Del dives into a variety of topics, from mental health and substance abuse to current events, sports, and even video games. Each episode is a candid look at the challenges and triumphs of living sober without a higher power.
Del's personal journey through addiction and recovery is the heart of the show. He shares his experiences openly, providing practical tips for managing mental health and coping with triggers. Whether he's discussing anger management, self-awareness, or the impact of internal dialogue, Del's approach is refreshingly honest and relatable. This podcast isn't just for atheists. It's for anyone who feels out of place in traditional 12-step programs or is seeking alternative paths to sobriety.
Del's engaging speaking style and the show's high-quality production make it easy to listen to, even if you're new to podcasts. 'The Recovery Atheist' also tackles broader issues like morality without religion and the pitfalls of blind faith. With a mix of personal anecdotes and broader insights, Del encourages listeners to take control of their recovery journey and find strength in their own beliefs.
If you're looking for an insightful, entertaining take on addiction recovery that doesn't rely on a higher power, 'The Recovery Atheist' is worth a listen.