Brandi Kelly

The Sober Bartender

Brandi Kelly

  • The Sober Bartender

The Sober Bartender

Join The Sober Bartender on a journey through recovery as she explores new perspectives and seeks solutions to life's challenges. Listen to stories of hope, growth, and resilience on this podcast series.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Health & Wellness

The Sober Bartender: Exploring New Perspectives and Seeking Solutions in Recovery

Are you looking for a podcast that will help you navigate life's challenges? Look no further than The Sober Bartender. This podcast is not just about recovery from alcohol, but it's about recovering from life. In every episode, the host Brandi Kelly takes you on a journey through her own story of hitting rock bottom and rising to the top. She also shares stories of other people who have overcome their struggles with addiction, illness, or trauma.
At the heart of The Sober Bartender is the idea that we can all benefit from shifting our perspective and seeking solutions instead of dwelling on problems. Through her interviews with guests like therapist Amanda JP Brown or author Kelly Siegel, Brandi Kelly explores topics like overcoming fear, accessing courage, navigating endings or dealing with unexpected illnesses.
One thing that sets this podcast apart is its focus on different paths to recovery. Brandi understands that what works for one person may not work for another when it comes to getting sober or healing from trauma. That's why she welcomes guests who have found their own unique ways to heal and grow despite their challenges.
For example, in an episode called 'Taking the Uncommon Path,' Casey Burrows talks about how creating natural soaps helped her break free from medication and find her passion after leaving the corporate world behind. In another episode titled 'Teeth Taxes And Other Uncomfortable Conversations', Brandi opens up about facing fears related to dental health or tax issues when living in sobriety.
Throughout each conversation on The Sober Bartender podcast series runs a common thread: hope. Listeners will be inspired by every story shared here- whether they're dealing with addiction themselves or just seeking guidance for navigating difficult times in their lives.
So if you're ready to explore new perspectives and seek solutions instead of dwelling on problems- tune into The Sober Bartender now! You'll hear stories of growth resilience ,and hope while learning tools & techniques along the way.