Molly Desch

This is Sober

Molly Desch

  • This is Sober

This is Sober

Tune into 'This is Sober' for real-life stories and practical advice on living a fulfilling life after addiction. Hosted by Molly Desch.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness

This is Sober: Real Stories of Life Beyond Addiction

Curious about what life looks like after putting down the bottle? 'This is Sober' offers a heartfelt glimpse into the lives of those who have embraced sobriety and are thriving. Hosted by Molly Desch, this podcast is a treasure trove of candid conversations with individuals who’ve faced the darkness of addiction and emerged stronger. Each episode features inspiring guests sharing their unique journeys, from the hurdles they overcame to the lessons they learned along the way.
Whether it's dealing with anxiety, finding new passions, or simply learning to live without alcohol, 'This is Sober' covers it all. The show doesn't just highlight struggles; it celebrates victories, big and small, offering practical advice and hope to anyone on a similar path. If you're sober, seeking sobriety, or supporting someone who is, 'This is Sober' provides a supportive and enlightening space to explore what true freedom from addiction looks like.