MSB Recording and Audio

12 Step Recovery Podcast

MSB Recording and Audio

  • Danny C

Danny C

Thursday 1st January 1970

Danny C recounts his path from addiction to sobriety, highlighting the vital role of AA and community support in this 12 Step Recovery Podcast episode.
44 minutes

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12 Step Recovery Podcast
MSB Recording and Audio
Sobriety Success Stories
Family Recovery from Addiction
Creative Recovery Journeys
Sexual Empowerment & Identity
Empowering Recovery Journeys
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Danny C's Road to Recovery: Finding Strength in Sobriety

I was ready to live a life beyond my wildest dreams. I got a new sponsor who took me through the steps. That is really when my life started to change.
Growing up in a household shadowed by alcoholism, Danny C's life was marred by his father's drunken episodes and a mother who enabled the chaos. His first encounter with alcohol at just 14 set him on a path of addiction that saw him lose his job as a flight attendant due to drug use. This episode of the '12 Step Recovery Podcast' delves into Danny's compelling journey from rock bottom to a life of sobriety.
After hitting his lowest point, Danny decided to give AA meetings a shot. It was there he discovered a community that offered the support and structure he desperately needed. Working the 12 steps with a sponsor, Danny faced numerous hurdles, including the daunting task of getting out of bed without resorting to a drink or drug.
His story highlights the crucial role of staying connected with newcomers and fellow members in AA, underscoring how these relationships have been instrumental in his ongoing sobriety. Danny's candid recounting of his struggles and triumphs offers a beacon of hope for anyone battling addiction. His journey is a testament to the power of community and perseverance in overcoming personal demons.