The Healing Power of Tears: Embracing Emotions in Anxiety Recovery
Crying isn't doing it wrong, like crying is not a failure to accept. Part of this is learning that like, well, you know I cry and that's okay.
Ever feel like crying is a sign that you're losing the battle against anxiety? Drew Linsalata, the host of 'The Anxious Truth', is here to set the record straight. In this episode, he tackles the widespread belief that shedding tears means you're not coping well. Drew assures listeners that crying is a natural, even healthy, part of the recovery process. Far from being a weakness, expressing emotions like sadness can actually pave the way for deeper healing.
Drew dives into why we cry when we're anxious or afraid and dismantles the myths that often make us judge ourselves harshly for it. He explains that crying is not avoidance or a failure to accept your situation but a human response that needs understanding and compassion. By learning to embrace these emotional moments, you're not only showing kindness to yourself but also taking an essential step toward long-term recovery.
If you've ever felt confused or worried about your tears, this episode offers a comforting perspective and practical advice on how to handle your emotions better. Tune in and discover why letting those tears flow could be just what you need on your journey to overcoming anxiety.