Claiming Your Space: The Key to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
This right is very, extremely important and you have the right to it. First, it's okay to be a little bit selfish. So we need that time sometimes to be alone, and we need that space to energize, to protect our vibes and frequency and energy from the toxic, abusive, annoying people.
Ever felt like you can't catch a break from someone's constant demands? In this episode of 'Self Evolution Regardless', Maram Ben Rhouma zeroes in on the crucial right to your own space and time. Narcissists have a knack for draining our energy, leaving us feeling depleted and guilty for wanting a moment to ourselves. Maram passionately argues that setting boundaries and taking personal time isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for your well-being.
Throughout the episode, Maram shares practical tips on how to carve out that much-needed space without feeling guilty. She emphasizes that everyone deserves a sanctuary where they can recharge and focus on self-care. By prioritizing your own needs, you can protect yourself from toxic influences and start the healing process. Maram also dives into the importance of self-love and self-investment in recovery. She provides actionable strategies for dealing with narcissistic individuals, helping you overcome feelings of guilt and shame.
Whether it's through community support or personal growth, Maram's insights offer a roadmap to reclaiming your life and moving forward. If you're tired of feeling like you're always on call for someone else's needs, this episode is your guide to taking back control. It's time to prioritize yourself and start your journey towards true healing.