
The Pink House Chronicles


  • Story AdamB 20191213

Story AdamB 20191213

Wednesday 1st January 2020

Hear AdamB's inspiring journey from addiction to sobriety through AA on The Pink House Chronicles. Discover hope and transformation.
25 minutes

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The Pink House Chronicles
Sobriety Success Stories
Creative Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
Sexual Empowerment & Identity
Empowering Recovery Journeys
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AdamB's Transformation: From Addiction to a Life of Purpose

I get to show up for my mom when she's struggling with her own addiction, and I get to show up for my community. I get to work a job that I enjoy going to most of the time.
AdamB's journey to sobriety is a tale of resilience and transformation. For years, he grappled with addiction, using drugs and alcohol as a crutch to escape the pain of his past and the uncertainties of his future. The turning point came when he hit rock bottom and realized he needed help. That’s when Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) became his lifeline.
In this episode of 'The Pink House Chronicles', AdamB opens up about his battle with addiction, describing how it consumed every part of his life. He recalls the moment he acknowledged that he had lost control and needed to make a change. Through AA, AdamB found a supportive community that played a crucial role in his recovery. He shares how the program helped him grow personally, transforming him into a better son, friend, and community member.
AdamB reflects on life after addiction, emphasizing how he now shows up for his loved ones in ways he never thought possible. This episode is a powerful reminder that no matter how dire things may seem, hope and recovery are within reach. AdamB's story is not just about overcoming addiction; it's about finding clarity, purpose, and the strength to rebuild one's life.
Tune in to hear his inspiring journey and discover the power of community and support in achieving lasting sobriety.